X7 Development LLC

[Full Stack Development Services]

Westwoods BBQ site by X7 Development LLC

Westwoods BBQ

  • WordPress
  • Responsive Design
  • E-Commerce
  • Parallax
Westwoods BBQ logo

This responsive WordPress site provides information about Westwoods BBQ, a restaurant and smokehouse located in Fresno, California. Built in WordPress, this site features a beautiful layout, parallax effects, and integration with multiple third party web sites. I also developed several related sites, including Fansler Restaurant Group and Yosemite Ranch

Responsive Design & Front-End

This site has a responsive design that fits to multiple screen sizes across a range of mobile devices. Parallax effects are implemented using skrollr.js and work across devices. A custom slideshow plugin was written, far simpler and smaller than existing solutions. Uses CSS animations and transitions to smoothly transition between slides.

Custom WordPress Theme

The custom WordPress theme enables management of all site content, including photos, text copy, and slideshows. Site-wide settings are managed via Theme Options and OptionTree.

Custom post types were created for the menu and contact form. Configured recipients are sent contact requests, and all requests are stored in the back-end for further review. Uses SpamPress to scan incoming contact requests for malicious content, avoiding the need for annoying CAPTCHAS that might reduce customer requests.


The site integrates with multiple services, each providing an additional aspect of functionality:

  • PayPal
    PayPal integration for ordering Westwoods BBQ gift cards.
  • Yelp SeatMe
    Embedded via an iframe, the SeatMe functionality floats on top of the site design and enables customers to reserve a seat without leaving the web site.
  • ChowNow
    Embedded via an iframe, the ChowNow widget enables users to place orders in advance for pickup.
  • Technologies
  • WordPress
  • Responsive Design
  • Custom WordPress Theme
  • PayPal Integration
  • Parallax Effects
  • More Info
  • Agency: FCG

Screen Shot

Screen shot of the Westwoods BBQ web site by X7 Development LLC.