X7 Development LLC

[Full Stack Development Services]

Mulholland Citrus web site with work by X7 Development LLC

Mulholland Citrus

  • Responsive design
  • Wordpress custom theme
  • JavaScript-enchaned interface
X7 Development LLC Mulholland Citrus

Mulholland Citrus has been growing fruit since the 1920's. The site design is clean and elegant and greatly enhanced by several JavaScript & CSS3 features, including a drop-down menu, a quick navigation jump menu, contact form validation, and auto-rotating image carousels.

A responsive design was implemented targeting tablets and desktops, with an emphasis on making the site look consistent across all devices, regardless of screen size.

A custom Wordpress theme was implemented that leveraged the ACF plugin to provide quick and easy access to edit all site content. All photos and text are editable from the Wordpress admin dashboard. Additionally CSV/Excel formats can be imported to quickly setup detailed information tables about available citrus products.

The site also implements a news section that re-uses existing Wordpress blog functionality. Customer feedback is curated from user-generated custom post types. Site administrators can promote feedback comments to the front-end.

Anti-spam capabilities for custom post types (contact, feedback) is provided by SpamPress, an anti-spam plugin that I authored. It utilizes Aksimet, Project Honeypot, and numerous other programs & heuristics to efficiently scan user-generated content for spam.

  • Technologies
  • Wordpress custom theme
  • JavaScript & jQuery
  • Responsive design
  • PHP
  • Integrations
  • ACF

Screen Shot

Screen shot of the Mulholland Citrus Wordpress web site