X7 Development LLC

[Full Stack Development Services]

Fresno COG web site by X7 Development LLC

Fresno COG

  • Drupal
  • Custom Theme
  • Content Migration
Fresno COG logo

Fresno Council of Governments (or Fresno COG for short) is a voluntary association of local governments and is one of California’s 38 regional planning agencies. Fresno COG undertakes comprehensive regional planning with an emphasis on transportation, provides citizens an opportunity to be involved in the planning process, and supplies technical services to its members.


The Fresno COG web site is implemented from a custom design provided by the agency and coded in Drupal. A custom Drupal theme was coded along with a custom plugin. Numerous pages are on the site, all editable in Drupal admin, using an integrated CKEditor with image upload and management.


A custom calendar plugin was authored for Drupal as well. Events from the existing static site were parsed and migrated into Drupal.

JavaScript Drop-Down Menu

A vertical drop-down menu was created via JavaScript. By parsing a structured HTML list, the JavaScript can appropriately style and position child elements before mouse over.

Content Migration

An older, static HTML site already existed containing the bulk of the new site's content. A migration tool was written in PHP that utilized cURL, SimpleXML and DOMDocument. This tool scraped the old site, parsed the HTML structure, and re-assembled each page as a Drupal page or corresponding object. This included downloading and migrating all PDF documents and images and attaching them to the correct node.

  • Technologies
  • Drupal 6
  • Custom Theme
  • JavaScript
  • Content Migration
  • Weather
  • Calendar

Screen Shot

Screen shot of the Fresno COG site by X7 Development LLC.